Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sometimes Dreams Shouldn't Come True

Okay, so I had a series of crazy dreams last night. Not just normal crazy dreams, like Carol Channing-Nick Nolte-Ann Coulter crazy!!!

First of all, I had a dream (nightmare?) that I was invited to a special political conference in which I had to interview the devil herself, Sarah Palin (who I wish was Tina Fey ALL the time). Anyway, the interview ended in me exploding in anger at her stupidity and screaming in her face using the words "motherfucking cunt racist bitch!!!!" and I ended up making the news and being named Public Enemy Number One.

Then I woke up.

Dream number two involves me meeting Seann William Scott of American Pie fame on a bus, and then taking him back to my house (it wasn't my house but it played my house in the dream), and hooking up with him.

Then I woke up.

I know my other dreams were equally as disgusting and weird, but I can't remember.

More to come,

Matty B.

1 comment:

Kevin Daly said...

you've been tagged