Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm Such a Blog Slut, I Probably Should Get Tested for BLAIDS.

Myspace. Facebook. Xanga. I tell you, folks, I sure have run the gamut of online self-indulgent soul-confessing that we call "blogging." No one really read my brilliant ramblings on those other sites, so I got bored late one night (Saturday, January 26, to be precise) and here I am on Blogspot in hopes of finding a wider and more loving audience. If not, that's cool, I'm still conceited and can make myself laugh when I read back on my documentations.

I just watched Sideways for the first time. What a brilliant film! It makes me want to escape to the northern Cali vineyards this second and drink some wine, just to feel classy. I don't even like wine.

In other news, I worked out all this week. Yes, that's right, my faithful and possibly nonexistent readers, Matty B. has enrolled at the local Cardio Center and plans on attending said center 5 days a week for some sort of workout. I was told I should fill out my frame to increase my casting range in the future, so i will try my best this semester. However, so far, every muscle and bone in my body seems strictly opposed to this kind of treatment. Will power, Matty, will power. I was going to enroll at the "strength center," whose membership consists mostly of jocks who already weigh about 90 pounds more than me, or not-as-strong wannabe jocks who weigh about 45 pounds more than me. Either way, they are all some variation of jock, so I opted for the Cardio, where I can shamelessly lift a pitiful amount of weight with the ladies and gays.

I also have done 8-minute abs three days in a row. Whoever created "8-minute abs" probably thought they were being really considerate by saving workout time or whatever. Let me tell you, the creator of "8-minute abs" is the biggest a-hole known to man, and whatever time I saved by cramming my crunching into 8 minutes I gained back by laying on my futon groaning in pain and wishing I was dead. So think about that, you 8-minute bitch.

There should be an 8-minute Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Then maybe I would actually finish it and the rest of the world wouldn't crucify me for being a pretentious fan.

I have rehearsal tomorrow. I heart Caesar. By the by, we took some really cool publicity photos the other day, and the above is one of them. Enjoy.

I am gonna peace out. Here's to a healthy future and great relationship for us, Blogspot. I hope you bring me the friends and prosperity that the fake teenage girl accounts tried to bring me on Myspace.

Peace, love, and some dead infants,

Matty B.